Residential Projects
SUMMERFIELD VILLAGE is a 126 unit single family and apartment development located in Gambrills. The design sought to cluster the development envelope, in order to preserve valuable forested areas and several specimen trees, reduce roads and infrastructure and promote a close community that enhanced adjacent uses. The cluster approach will reduce overall costs for the developer and increase home sales while building a close knit community feeling for the residents. The site was entirely wooded and the design proposed an almost 50% retention of the exist forest. Numerous amenities located throughout the development offered residents active and passive recreation opportunities and connections to adjacent commercial shopping areas. Services were provided as part of Sigma Engineering, Inc.
THE COMMUNITY OF KINGSPORT is a 172 lot planned development located in Annapolis. Located between 2 creeks, all of the 40 acres of critical areas were placed in conservation easements and the development focused in the center of the site. In the Neo-traditional style, many of the units have alleys to serve for garages and utility needs of the community. Unit types ranged in size and shape to reflect the adjacent uses, transitioning from higher density units to the north to large lot developments to the south. Numerous amenities were strategically located throughout the development from perimeter walking trails, to a centrally located pool and community building to local pocket parks and a picnic area and fishing pier near Crab Creek. Services were provided as part of Sigma Engineering, Inc.
PARK VIEW AT SEVERNA PARK is located on the edge of a vibrant community in Severna Park.
The four story building serves 103 units of an active senior development. This site was chosen because of its close proximity to local shopping, medical and community facilities. Due to the need for useable parking and outdoor rooms, over 700 lineal feet of retaining wall was used to create a gentle slope across the property. The perimeter of the site was left in forested areas and supplement to provide a substantial buffer to adjacent residential homes. The stormwater management was extensive and included addressing over 5 acres of off-site drainage. The design team worked closely with government officials in order to expedite approval. The permits were issues in half the time that a normal project of this scope would take. Services were provided as part of Sigma Engineering, Inc. |
Burwood Gardens
BURWOOD GARDENS is a redevelopment project of 100 affordable housing units in Glen Burnie. The new 4 story building replaced 1970’s style aging units on the site. The redesigned layout provided room for tree preservation areas, additional parking and passive amenities including walkways and a veteran’s plaza. Providing all of the units within a single building provided ease of use by uses of the site and allowed for additional interior amenities including club rooms, library, nursing station and laundry rooms. Additional planting complimented retained existing tree canopies along the perimeter and screened the site from a busy road. Sustainability and LEED principles were practiced throughout the design and construction phases. Services were provided as part of Sigma Engineering, Inc.
Sailors Quay
SAILORS QUAY is a 15-unit planned development located in a close knit community in Eastport.
The development offered extensive design elements to enhance the streetscape of the main road while providing rear alley entry for many of the homes. Through coordinated efforts with City of Annapolis staff, the site was designed to address almost 90% of the rainfall that entered the site. Extensive plantings provided buffers to adjacent properties, accenuate rain gardens and bio-retention areas, and added accents that tie the font yards to the main street. The architecture of each home enhances the presence of surrounding units and provides a cohesive unit to the area. This development was one of the first projects in the City of Annapolis to provide an affordable housing unit for new residential development. Services were provided as part of Sigma Engineering, Inc. |